Privacy and Complaints Policy

This website is operated by West Lothian Social Enterprise Network (WLSEN), registered at Polbeth Community HUB, Village Hall, Polbeth, West Calder, EH55 8SD

WLSEN is a Company Limited by Guarantee (SC479215) with Charitable Status (SC050766). We are committed to protecting and preserving the privacy of visitors visiting our site or communicating electronically with us.

This policy sets out how we process any personal data we collect from you or that you provide to us through our website. We confirm that we will keep your information secure and that we will comply fully with all applicable UK Data Protection legislation and regulations. Please read the following carefully to understand what happens to personal data that you choose to provide to us, or that we collect from you when you visit this site. By visiting our website, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this policy.

Types of information we may collect from you

We may collect, store and use the following kinds of personal information about individuals who visit and use our website:

Information you supply to us. You may supply us with information about you by filling in forms on our website. This includes information you provide when you submit a contact/enquiry form or request a quote. The information you give us may include your name, address, e-mail address and phone number.

Information our website automatically collects about you. With regard to each of your visits to our website we may automatically collect information including the following:

  • technical information, including a truncated and anonymised version of your Internet protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, operating system and platform;
  • information about your visit, including what pages you visit, how long you are on the site, how you got to the site (including date and time); page response times, length of visit, what you click on, documents downloaded and download errors.


Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website, and it also allows us to improve our site.

How we may use the information we collect

We use the information in the following ways:

  1. Information you supply to us. We will use this information:
    • to provide you with information and/or services that you request from us;
  2. Information we automatically collect about you. We will use this information:
    • to administer our site including troubleshooting and statistical purposes;
    • to improve our site to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer; and
    • security and debugging as part of our efforts to keep our site safe and secure.

This information is collected anonymously and is not linked to information that identifies you as an individual. We use Google Analytics to track this information. 

Disclosure of your information

Any information you provide to us will either be emailed directly to us or may be stored on a secure server. We use a trusted third-party website and hosting provider to facilitate the running and management of this website. They meet high data protection and security standards and are bound by contract to keep any information they process on our behalf confidential. Any data that may be collected through this website is kept secure and only processed in the manner we instructed.

We do not rent, sell or share personal information about you with other people or non-affiliated companies.

We will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that your personal data is not disclosed to regional/national institutions and authorities, unless required by law or other regulations.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

Third party links

Our site may, from time to time, contain links to and from the third-party websites. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.

Your rights – access to your personal data

You have the right to ensure that your personal data is being processed lawfully (“Subject Access Right”). Your subject access right can be exercised in accordance with data protection laws and regulations. Any subject access request must be made in writing to We will provide your personal data to you within the statutory time frames. To enable us to trace any of your personal data that we may be holding, we may need to request further information from you. If you have a complaint about how we have used your information, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Changes to our privacy policy

Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.


Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be addressed to


Each person who uses our service has a right to comment or to complain about any aspect of the service design and delivery. We will respond to complaints in an effort to ensure continual improvement of, and satisfaction with, WLSEN services.  WLSEN staff and Trustees will direct a client, a client’s representative, or stakeholder to submit a complaint using our digital form, by email or letter. We will also accept valid written complaints by email.  Details of independent support and advocacy are provided as part of this policy. The diagram below provides an overview of our complaint’s process from where a complaint is first raised.  

This diagram provides an overview of our complaint’s process

Notification of Complaints Procedure  

  1. WLSEN expects complaints to be submitted within one year of an issuing arising however we will investigate complaints after this date if there is sufficient detailed information to identify the root cause of the problem. 
  1. For issues that are straightforward and simple, requiring little or no investigation, WLSEN will provide an ‘On-the-spot’ apology, explanation, or other action to put the matter right. Complaint resolved or a response provided in five working days or less (unless there are exceptional circumstances). Complaints addressed by any member of staff, or alternatively referred to the appropriate liaison for contact.  Response by telephone or in writing. 
  1. We will confirm that your complaint has been received and that we are checking on the complaint details before proceeding. If complaint is found to be justified will take it to the next stage of complaint’s process. If complaint cannot be processed to the next stage an explanation will be issued. If this is not satisfactory, you can appeal.  Please see appealing decisions below. 
  1. WLSEN will consider anonymous complaints provided that enough evidence is supplied to enable us to take further action. Complaints about the quality of advice and support provided by WLSEN’s Partners will be managed by our Partners through their independent complaint’s procedures as set out by their policies.  
  1. There are three ways in which you can complaint to WLSEN 

WLSEN Polbeth Community Hub 

Polbeth Village Hall 


West Calder 

West Lothian  

EH55 8SD 

Getting help with making a complaint

Making a complaint can seem difficult, but support is available.  Contact your local citizens’ advice bureau for support with complaints or to get advice on advocacy services that can help with making a complaint  

  1. Citizens Advice Scotland ( 
  1. Find an advocate – Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance ( 

What to expect after making a complaint

You should: 

  • have your complaint acknowledged and thoroughly investigated 
  • be kept informed of progress and told the outcome 
  • be treated fairly, politely and with respect 
  • be sure that your care and treatment will not be affected as a result of making a complaint 
  • be offered the opportunity to discuss the complaint with a complaint’s handler 
  • expect appropriate action to be taken following your complaint 
  1. If a complaint is brought to WLSEN’s attention, our Mental Health Coordinator will try to resolve the complaint quickly and in an informal way.  If it is not possible to reach a satisfactory outcome, then the Mental Health Coordinator will escalate the complaint to WLSEN’s Network Manager.   
  1. A complaint about the Network Manager, will be passed to the WLSEN’s Chair of Board. 
  1. Our Mental Health Coordinator or another team member can help you if necessary. The complainant should ensure that they agree with what has been written, sign the document to this effect and obtain a copy for reference.   


  1. The complaint will be acknowledged by a letter/email from the Network Manager.or within seven days of the date it was received. The acknowledgement will who is investigating the case and when the investigation will start. The Project Director might ask for assistance from another independent organisation from out-with the West Lothian Wellbeing Partnership. 
  1. The investigation will be confidential, impartial and anyone involved in the complaint and its investigation will be required to declare any conflicts of interest to the Network Manager.
  1. If necessary, investigators will gather from individuals separately and avoid people coming into contact with each other.  
  1. Anyone questioned about the complaint can request to be accompanied by a supportive person of their choice like a family member, however this person must be independent of the complaint.  
  1. You will receive a response, in writing within 21 days of the start of the investigation, which will include- 

Details of the investigation  

  • A decision on whether the complaint was upheld or not  
  • Where appropriate, what action WLSEN intend to take to resolve the issue an apology 
  • Where appropriate any other action to be taken by WLSEN to avoid the same issue happening again  
  • If it has not been possible to complete the investigation within 21 days, we will explain the reasons why and the expected completion date.  We expect that investigations will be concluded within a maximum of six months. 

Appealing Decisions 

If you are not satisfied with the response, then you can appeal to WLSEN’s Board.  You must explain the reasons why you are appealing to the board members who have an interest in the complaint will be excluded from the investigation and decision making.  The Board will make a final decision after reading any necessary papers and speaking to relevant individuals involved with the complaint.  Any interviews will be conducted under the same terms as those for Stage 4.a.  

The Chair will write to the complainant within 28 days of receiving the appeal to confirm the decision about the complaint which will be final. The letter will include –   

  • The reason for the decision  
  • The redress, if appropriate, which be offered e.g., an apology 
  • Any action which may be taken in light of the complaint  
  • If it has not been possible to complete the investigation within 21 days, the reasons why and the expected completion date  
  1. The Network Manager or Board may halt a complaint, at any stage, if it emerges that legal action is under way, pending or intended. The complaints procedure can be halted until any legal process is complete.  
  1. The Network Manager will be responsible for ensuring that actions are fulfilled.  

Getting Further Support  

OSCR – Sottish Charity Regulator can assist further if you have concern about a charity and the way WLSEN have investigated complaint.  

You can submit a written complaint to OSCR under their Complaints Procedure or via OSCR Charity Concern Form  OSCR | Charity Concern Form 
